Monday, October 27, 2008

A year and one day......

So, Yesterday was my one-year wedding anniversary! I really cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by. What did we do to celebrate our anniversary? We had all sorts of grand plans leading up to it, but since we're looking to buy a house and wanting to save our time-off for a trip to see my family at Christmas, we settled for spending Thursday and Friday at a hotel downtown, dinner at the Melting Pot and lots of sentimental speeches interspersed through out the weekend. ("You're pretty. No, you're pretty! And the like...) Can't you just picture us?

In all seriousness, this past year has been so great and so eye-opening, and I mean that in the best sense! I've learned so much about myself, how I communicate, and what it's like to not always do things my way. It hasn't always been easy, especially since both of us were single adults for more than a decade. There were some things that I thought would be difficult to adjust to (sharing a bathroom with a man, etc) that were surprisingly easy. Who knew that the real challenge would be realizing that the fact that we both speak English doesn't mean that we interpret things exactly the same way? ("So when you say that you're upset, that's like my version of slightly annoyed. It doesn't mean that you want to throw your hairbrush?") Some of you don't know Adam very well. Let me tell you what kind of guy he is:

1) The kind who listens, really listens to everything a person says
2) The kind who thinks before he speaks (I don't always do that well)
3) The kind who would buy a book on Mathematics and another about Gandhi in the same trip
4) The kind who loves to cook with me even when it takes until 9:00 to eat because we can't understand the recipe
5) The kind who doesn't realize he has the nose of a Greek god (that's how I describe it anyway) and isn't vain about his glossy brown curls

Hopefully nobody who reads this is dry-heaving. I'm really more of a private a person when it comes to things I feel deeply, but I wanted to at least say this much. He's great and we've been happy and grateful for the miraculous circumstances that led to one year ago (it might be thanks to my grandma Kate - you just never know). For any of you who may want to relive the joyous day:


amber said...

Congrats! Now the honeymoon is over..... :)

Jana said...

Happy Anniversary. I'm glad you like him ... and to think that it really only gets better from here! Don't listen to those that say the honeymoon is over - year 18 for me and we're still having fun!

And yes, blame it all on Grandma Kate! I have no doubt. No doubt AT ALL!!!!

Alyson said...

Jen, our friends down the street are selling their house. It's a great location and a great house. Her style reminds me of you kinda. You can view a video of it on her blog.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary to my two most favoritist people!! Whoever said we wouldn't still be friends at this point was WAY wrong!!

Shari said...

You've been married a whole year-crazy. Looks like you both hit the jackpot. I think your pics should be in a bride magazine-gorgeous! Glad to see you're happy.

Summer's World said...

Jen! Has is really been a year???? Wow! I haven't seen you in forever! I was just checking up on you via blog and what a fun ride that was! You're hilarious and I wish I could see you on a daily basis like that luck little "Atom". congrats and miss you!