Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Countdown...

Ten days from now I will reach a significant birthday milestone - 30. It's weird. I act really melodramatic when I talk about it to other people, like I'm facing impending doom, but that's mostly an act. I don't think it will bother me that much. Here are some reasons why:

1) People have to take you more seriously once you turn 30 - especially at work.
2) I think I've gotten more graceful with age (family members are strictly prohibited from
commenting on this statement) - maybe by age 40, my movements will be so smooth and fluid, I'll be ready to perform at Lincoln Center.
3) I also think that I have more poise than I did ten years ago (close friends are strictly prohibited from commenting on this one).
4) It's a liberating thing to finally face something that society has taught you to dread. It's usually anti-climactic, you wonder what all the fuss was about, and're free!
5) I doubt that I will feel any different on my actual birthday than I did the day before. To be honest, most days I still feel like I'm about 14 years old and there is that mantra about how you're only as old as you feel....

Aren't you glad I ran through that list? Me too. Now to other things:

This is me killing two birds with one stone. Now y'all can see the new hair cut (for a length comparison see pics below) and how big this new nephew o' mine is getting.

He smiles a ton! He's on my cute grandma's lap right there so he has a lot to be happy about.

I love this picture! He's a lucky great grandson, that's all I have to say.

So I haven't really touched much on the day-to-day lives of Atom and JZ. Let's see...poor Atom is at work right now. The video game he's been working on is due to be released this fall, along with the movie it's based on so that means lots of long hours and no time off til October. My work at the COB continues. Ironically July is my slowest month so I took advantage in small ways: leaving early on Fridays to hang out with friends who also weren't at work, catching a movie or two, etc. All while Atom slaves away. I try to make him feel better by telling him that I didn't have any fun at all and buying him ice cream (the man is an ice cream fanatic) - I think it works sometimes. Don't feel too bad for him though. We've both been able to log some decent poolside hours and we laugh and frolic as often as possible. Two of our favorite hobbies this summer: watching episodes of the West Wing (Bartlett for America!) and YogaBurn (do not try it an hour after eating - not good), and planning our future vacations! Finis.